Friday, December 17, 2010

Teacher Feature!

Mr Schark has created a fun and exciting activity for the Holidays using Glogster. Students are encouraged to create a Virtual Poster which highlights 2 concepts covered in Geometry this year. This project effectively reinforces concepts from the first few units of Geometry, while engaging students and developing 21st century computing skills. I've included a link to Mr. Schark's sample Glog, as well as his instruction sheet which articulates the project to his students.

Congratulations, Mr Schark, for creating an engaging and enlightening activity. If you have a 21st Century activity you would like to have featured on Teacher Feature, or if you would like help creating a 21st Century activity like this, please contact Mr. Driver.

To check out Mr. Schark's sample Glog, go to:
Sample GLOG
Mr. Schark's instructions for students are here:
Wrksht - Online Glogster Project

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Posting 2nd 9-weeks Grades to EDLINE you want to post grades for your students for the second 9-weeks.

It is easy, but is a little different than what we did the first 9-weeks. Here are step-by-step instructions. You will see that the first couple of steps are new...then everything else is the same as before.

First go to Grade Quick and update grades for ALL your classes.
Make sure you have chosen to "Show Term 2".
Once you have done this...

Click on the "Reports" icon, then...
> Edline Reports > Single Term Only on the small globe (send to edline)
Choose "send several files"
Select all classes you wish to update, click ok
Selact all students, click ok
Choose a new file location, like "2nd 9-weeks", and click "Send This Report"

This will create a new folder on your Edline page with the second 9-weeks grades in it.
These simple steps will send an updated report for ALL your students in ALL your classes.

The archive of the first 9-weeks will be left intact.

Please let me know if you have any questions....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How to create a blog with Blogger

Here is an embedded assignment

Wrksht - Google Earth Activity

So you wanna try this yourself....

These videos will get you up and running in no time:

Social Studies Blog (Teacher's Classroom Blog)
4th Grade Classroom (Students) Blog
My new blog on Blogger

Is Blogging an Effective Teaching Strategy?
Researchers at the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) have identified nine instructional strategies that are most likely to improve student achievement across all content areas and across all grade levels. These strategies are explained in the book Classroom Instruction That Works by Robert Marzano, Debra Pickering, and Jane Pollock.
1. Identifying similarities and differences
2. Summarizing and note taking
3. Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
4. Homework and practice
5. Nonlinguistic representations
6. Cooperative learning
7. Setting objectives and providing feedback
8. Generating and testing hypotheses
9. Cues, questions, and advance organizers

How about an assignemnt

Today's assignment: Just Do It!

Just upload your file into google docs and link to it.